How could I make my days more than 24 hours each
I know that this would seem to be a stupid idea, to discuss or even to think about, but what shall I say , those 24 hour days are not well formed for us, nor for our generation, there is no time to do nothing, we are living in the time were everything goes too fast but even that is not enough to do everything we want, I don't know how but there should be some way out of this dilemma.I'm not sure if I lack time management or, that I do certain things slowly ,and that waste my time, but one thing I know for sure, is that going from one place to the other, during the day takes a lot of time of mine, because of the pre and post preparations needed for such things.
studying occupies lots of my time though most of the time I stay home , and don't go out with my friends or family and yet don't study either, that is the worst that could happen, coz not only it is a waste of study time, but also a waste of happy time.
I know I'm not blogging ,and I hate that , but really its just coz of the lack of time, but I do read your blogs always on the planet.
I know that these ideas are the least connected , but I thought of sharing them,I'm not in the mood ,and I'm at work today, and I hate working on my day off, but they forced us to, and the worst part is that yesterday I was in a party, and got home late,and had to wake up to go to work, I hate routine and stupid management.
be safe