
David Nino

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

No Smoking Day

broken cigarette, originally uploaded by daoud80.

Today is "No Smoking Day" , i hate smoking, it is a very bad habit, or a stupid way of felling better, or easing bad temper, although i do "Argeeleh" hubbly bubbly sometimes, but im not a heavy smoker, i just do it for fun with my friends, and not on a regular basis.

To all smokers out there, think of youselves, your health, and others that are around you all the time.

most of people do smoke as a bad habit, and not because they are attached to the nicotin stuff, or they just simply think it is cool to do so.

Youngsters are doing this, because they do see there parents , neighbours or friends do it, so they try to look cool and keep up with others, they should get more help on this subject, from everyone.

just try to be a good example, and stop smoking, or give a good advice.

~that is my own opinion~
