
David Nino

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Im Just so tired

I really dont know what is going on with me,it seems like I have a war with sleeping, I can't go to bed before 2 am and that is so bad, i just can't go before that, and the problem is that I must wake up at 6 am to go to work.But yesterday was something different, I came home home at aroung 7:30 pm after work and uni and I just ate a something fast , and ran away to the gym, I swam with my friends for 2 hours and when I got home at around 11:30 pm I was sooo tierd and my eyes red as fire, I tried to sleep, but I was like hyperactive or something I just couldn't close my eyes , though they were so itchy and hurt , I was in bed at around 12 but could have sleep till dawn,and now Im at work feeling so sleepy and hungry.